首页» 学术讲座» 120周年校庆系列讲座(第12讲)


Professor Jean-Marie Lehn was born in Rosheim of France in 1939. In 1963, Mr. Lehn got his Ph. D from France University of Strasbourg, which was followed by postdoctoral research at Harvard University. On returning to Strasbourg, he began to his study in the interdisciplinary frontier of organic chemistry and physical chemistry. Later on he gradually shifted his interest to biological processes. In 1968, Prof. Lehn synthesized a cage-like molecule which could form complexes with a variety of metal ions. He studied, as a beginning, the chemical basis of “ M  olecular   R  ecognition” , which is also the way of receptor molecules to recognize and bind selectively substrates. In 1970 he was promoted to professor of the Strasbourg Louis-Pasteur University. In 1979, he was again granted professorship by the College de France in Paris. Especially, in 1987, Prof. Lehn won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with D.J. Cram and C.J. Pedersen together.

Prof. Lehn's research work opened up a novel field of chemistry, which he termed as “ S  up  ra  molecular   C  hemistry” . Accordingly, he is nowadays known as  the   Father   of   S  upramolecular   C  hemistry  by virtue of his outstanding work in this field. Up to now, Prof. Lehn has published more than 900 papers. He owns membership of many academic organizations in worldwide, to name a few, academician of French academy of sciences, foreign academician of united states national academy of sciences, foreign academician of Chinese academy of science and so on. Apart from the Nobel Prize, he also won numerous international awards and honors in chemistry.

