首页» 新闻资讯» 120周年校庆系列讲座 | 我院邀请金娟编辑和黄京韬编辑线上做客山西大学120周年校庆 ——自然科学系列讲座(第9讲)

120周年校庆系列讲座 | 我院邀请金娟编辑和黄京韬编辑线上做客山西大学120周年校庆 ——自然科学系列讲座(第9讲)

4月25日下午,山西大学120周年校庆——自然科学系列讲座第九讲在线上举行。金娟博士和黄京韬博士作了题为“Publishing with Wiley Chemistry Journals”的学术报告。化学化工学院院长高利珍出席讲座并对金娟博士和黄京韬博士表示欢迎和感谢。山西大学化学化工学院副院长阴彩霞主持讲座。

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金娟博士从Wiley chemistry journals公司的概况、Wiley期刊的介绍、国内团队的人员组成与稿件的处理四方面展开阐述。金娟博士先是讲述了Wiley化学期刊的构成,而后讲解了Wiley的工作模式。最后,金娟博士详细地讲述了文章投稿的要求,强调了题目的可阅读性、文章内容的专业性、语言的严谨性等内容。




Dr. Juan Jin (金 娟 博士) studied biomedical engineering at Sichuan University. In 2014, she received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Tsinghua University where she focused on the design and application of smart hydrogels. She then carried out her postdoctoral research on DNA nanotechnology and DNA-peptide co-assembly at University of Oxford. In 2020, she joined the editorial team of  Angewandte Chemie and ChemBioChem .

Dr. Jingtao Huang (黄京韬 博士) received his B.S. and M.S. in chemistry from Xiamen University and the University of Washington, Seattle, respectively. He then obtained his Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from Nanyang Technological University, conducting research on functional nanomaterials and applications in catalysis, energy conversion, spectroscopy, etc. He joined Wiley-VCH in 2020 and is currently on the editorial teams of  Chemistry – A European Journal  and  ChemElectroChem .
